By Matthew C. Scarborough, Esq.

Florida bike accidents are on the rapid rise and my firm often acts as a support team for the victims. The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles reported that from January 1 – December 1, 2022, there were 6,357 bicycle crashes in Florida, resulting in 5,982 injuries and 177 fatalities.

With so many bicycle accidents in Florida, it makes sense for bikers to be prepared.

Do you know what to do after a bike accident?

Check List: What to do after a bicycle accident

During the last 31 years of practice our team has found the checklist below must be completed to have the best possible outcome following your bike accident:

  • Have a Road I.D. or other pertinent medical information readily available for rescue personnel;

  • If possible photograph/video the damage to your bike;

  • If possible photograph/video the damage to your bike clothing, helmet, etc;

  • If possible photograph/video the scene of the accident;

  • If possible photograph/video the other vehicle(s) involved;

  • Obtain the other motorist’s insurance information along with address, phone number and email;

  • Go to the E.R. to get checked out;

  • Call your lawyer immediately;

  • Do not allow an insurance company to take a statement of obtain information from you.

Carry Medical Information And Road I.D. When Biking

Your personal medical information is key to allow emergency medical professionals to accurately assess and treat any underlying medical issues should you not be able to communicate. Road I.D. is an excellent product and I also personally use Medical ID and Road Crash Detection on my iPhone. FYI, road crash detection is a cool application which calls 911 in a serious collision.

Why Bike With Your Smartphone?

Your smart phone is your best way to photograph proof of the bike accident and will help our job of establishing liability and damages. Evidence sometimes goes away or gets destroyed but the photos at the scene of the accident will be worth 1000 words later on in obtaining the best possible financial and criminal recovery for you and your loved ones.

Take a moment and ask for the other driver’s insurance information and take a picture of their insurance card(s). Also use your phone to take notes of the person’s address and other pertinent information. The investigating officer will obtain some of this info but the quicker it is obtained, the more rapid we can assist you in a resolution of your case.

What If You Feel Ok After A Bike Accident?

Post-accident, people often have a massive adrenaline rush and don’t think they need medical care. Broken bones, sprains, concussions, etc. are left discovered weeks after an accident unless addressed immediately. A quick diagnosis at the ER goes a long way to establish these injuries are caused by a bike wreck.

When to Call A Lawyer After A Bike Accident?

Please call us immediately. We have a hot line that can send a team out to the scene of your accident immediately to help get you the correct medical attention and care. We will also start the process of obtaining insurance information.

Who To Speak With After A Bike Accident?

Finally, and importantly, only speak to the investigating officer and your lawyer and team. Everything you say will be used against you. “I feel ok” at the scene of an accident can turn into a complete defense to your case. It’s better to let us do the initial talking for you during these traumatic times.

What To Do After A Bike Accident

No one wants to think about being in a bike accident, but being informed and knowing what to do after a bike accident could not only save your life, but it could help you recover from a bike accident injury quicker.

We are on your team at Bicycle Accident Law, and we are experienced at helping cyclist like you through a bike accident, should the need ever arise.

Scarborough Bicycle Accident Law

We’re a Florida legal firm based in downtown Tampa, FL. We’re focused on local bicycle clubs and cycling enthusiasts in our area who need legal assistance. We also help other bikers who live in the surrounding locations in and around Florida. Our mission is to help bikers navigate the legal system.

Matthew C. Scarborough, Esq. is an experienced bicyclist who shares your love of biking.


The Most Common Bike Accident Injuries
