The Most Common Bike Accident Injuries

Accidents happen, but for bicyclists, it can be a matter of life or death.

Year to date in Florida, there have been 4769 bicycle accidents reported. When we look at the number of fatalities from bicycle accidents in Florida, there have been 126 reported year to date. Taking that a step further, that means more than 90% of Florida’s injured bicyclists are surviving their accidents and need legal representation to ensure a full recovery. If you or someone close to you is one of those cyclists in recovery, read our recommendations on what to do after a bike accident.

Recent historical data shows Florida bicyclists residing in the Tampa Bay region are especially vulnerable, bicycle crash rates entail one of the highest percentages in the state of Florida. It is no wonder why AAA named Tampa as the deadliest metro area in Florida for bikers.

What Are The Causes of The Most Common Bicycle Accident Injuries?

There are many contributing factors to bicycle accidents — beyond just the cyclist. Being aware of some of the most common bike injuries can help bicyclists become more alert and gain perspective on how to prevent a crash.

According to Metroplan Orlando, frequent motorist crashes with bikes are caused by “bicyclist direction,” “frequency of intersections and commercial driveways,” and “bicyclist speed.” But what does that mean for cyclists? It means that while hundreds of elements could go into the causation of a bicycle crash, there are many things individuals can do to help eliminate the frequency and gravity of accidents.

The Rules of The Road

First off, the direction in which a cyclist is facing can have more adverse effects than one would think. For example, according to a study made by Metroplan Orlando, 39% of bicyclist-caused crashes involved individuals biking against traffic flow, while in a bike or travel lane. Facing the opposite direction of traffic “is about five times riskier than bicycling with the flow, regardless of whether the bicyclist is on a travel lane, a bike lane, a sidewalk, or a sidepath. This is so because motorists crossing the paths of approaching bicyclists are looking in the direction of where normal vehicular traffic is approaching.” This is a common cause of bicycle accident injuries.

Furthermore, some of the most common bicycle accident injuries can be dependent on bicyclists' positions on the streets. Bikers' positions determine the risk, with riding on the right edge of the road being one of the more dangerous positions. Additionally, biker speed contributed to the risk of crashes as well. This was shown in Metroplan Orlando’s study, with an emphasis on the fact that “Each additional mile per hour for the bicyclist above 9 mph increases their risk for a motorist-caused crash by about 9%.” This is partially due to the inability to stop quickly when riding fast, a serious factor in biking.

Additionally, both motorists and cyclists must follow the rules of the road as it is crucial to both parties' safety. If cyclists bike in the direction of traffic, cars have a better ability to see them and also drive beside them, which mitigates the possibility of a head-on collision.

Driver behavior contributes to common bicycle injuries in a myriad of ways. There is a large senior population in Florida which could increase the likelihood of a crash if a senior motorist is not fit to drive or cannot adequately see. Also, tourist activity is a valid factor for distracted or unfamiliar drivers. Tampa had 15 million visitors in 2019, which is comparable to Nashville, Tennessee's tourism rate in the same year. The Greater Miami and Miami Beach area was visited by more than 26.5 million while Orlando, the home of Disney World, counted 74 million visitors in 2022. What do tourists mean for Florida cyclists? More unfamiliar drivers in the area who do not know the roads and many may not know the traffic laws where they are driving.

Cyclist Behavior That Contributes to Accidents

Another factor of the most common bicycle accident injuries is bicyclist behavior. This can include ignoring safety precautions, being under the influence, and being ill-equipped for riding conditions. For instance, neglecting to wear a helmet, ignoring traffic laws, or drinking before riding can all have negative consequences.

Distracted Driving Contributes to Cycling Accidents

Managing partner of Bicycle Accident Law, Matt Scarborough explained to WSBT-TV that there has been an increase in bicyclists, as well as biking accidents due to distracted drivers. This can be seen as a direct result of the increase in technology and people being distracted by their phones. (It’s always important to make sure your electronic devices are turned off and put away while driving or operating anything to avoid distracted driving, it could save a life!)

Common Cycling Crash Injuries

On the more grisly side of things, some of the most common bicycle injuries can include:

  • Head injuries

  • Brain injuries

  • Chest and abdomen injuries

  • Broken bones

This is just to name a few, as the range of common bicycle injuries can vary on a large scale due to the variety of accidents. The seriousness and risk of these injuries can also vary, especially with different age groups or underlying health issues.

By taking the necessary precautions and following traffic laws, cyclists can continue to enjoy biking and avoid common bicycling injuries. This is key to riding safely while also keeping others safe.

Involved in a Biking Accident?

The period of time immediately after a biking accident can be the most crucial. It’s important to keep several things in mind to be prepared. Here is a checklist to ensure you know what to do if you are ever involved in an accident and are experiencing a common biking injury.

To learn about our services, visit this link and find out how you can earn compensation if you or a loved one were involved in a bicycling accident.

Scarborough Bicycle Accident Law

We’re a Florida legal firm based in downtown Tampa, FL. We’re focused on local bicycle clubs and cycling enthusiasts in our area who need legal assistance. We also help other bikers who live in the surrounding locations in and around Florida. Our mission is to help bikers navigate the legal system.

Matthew C. Scarborough, Esq. is an experienced bicyclist who shares your love of biking.


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