Florida Bike Law #1: The 50% Negligence Rule

Scarborough Bicycle Accident Law represents cyclists and accident victims in Florida and throughout the country.

We are here to protect victims of negligence, fight for justice, and serve our community.

One layer of protection is knowledge and it’s important for cyclists to know the laws in Florida in order to have a safe ride and make sure you don’t violate a law and loose your case based upon the 50% negligence rule in Florida.

What is the 50% negligence rule, you say?

In laymen’s terms if you are more than 50% at fault for any accident in Florida, you will receive zero dollars! That’s right zero, zilch, nada! That’s a big shift in our law and even more reason to be cautious. We will fight to beat that 50% barrier to recovery but in extreme cases, zero recovery will be the outcome.

Example: running a red light on your bike, riding against traffic at night, etc… These cases deserve to have viability but not under the current law.

Florida bike law #1:

Why Wear a Helmet?

Helmets are crucial for protecting cyclists in the event of a fall or collision. They help absorb impact energy and reduce the risk of head injuries, including traumatic brain injuries. Wearing a helmet can make a significant difference in the outcome of a cycling accident, potentially saving lives and preventing serious injuries.

**Key Points to Remember:**

  1. Helmet Law Age Requirement: The helmet law applies to cyclists under 16 years old. It's essential for parents and guardians to ensure that young riders always wear helmets when cycling.

  2. Helmet Fit: A properly fitting helmet is essential for maximum protection. Ensure that the helmet is snug but not too tight, with the front edge sitting about an inch above the eyebrows.

  3. Helmet Quality: Invest in a high-quality helmet that meets safety standards such as CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission) certification. Look for a helmet with adequate ventilation and adjustable straps for a comfortable fit.

  4. Lead by Example: Even if you're not required by law to wear a helmet, setting a positive example by wearing one can encourage others, especially children, to do the same. Be a role model for safe cycling habits in your community.

This is especially important when riding with kids. If they see you wearing a helmet, it’s easy for them to follow your example!

While Florida's bike helmet law focuses on protecting young cyclists, we encourage cyclists of all ages to prioritize safety every time they ride. Remember to obey traffic laws, use lights and reflectors when cycling at night, and stay vigilant of your surroundings.

Together, let's make Florida's roads safer for cyclists of all ages. Wear your helmet, ride responsibly, and enjoy the journey.

Happy cycling and remember we are here for all cyclists and victims of any accident 24/7 via text. Contact us.

-Matt Scarborough

Scarborough Bicycle Accident Law

We’re a Florida legal firm based in downtown Tampa, FL. We’re focused on local bicycle clubs and cycling enthusiasts in our area who need legal assistance. We also help other bikers who live in the surrounding locations in and around Florida. Our mission is to help bikers navigate the legal system.

Matthew C. Scarborough, Esq. is an experienced bicyclist who shares your love of biking.


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